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Welcome! This is my first official post. Gah! THIS IS MY FIRST OFFICIAL POST! I’m a complete mix of emotions. Most of me is beyond excited that I’ve finally taken the leap and officially started a blog and that this is my first official post, but I also have a small part of me that is nervous and about ready to poop my pants because doing this is the most “putting myself out there” thing I’ve ever done.

The truth is, I’ve had a desire to write my entire life. When I was 12, I wrote a large portion of a fiction novel that I pictured being a best-seller someday. You guys, I was twelve. I’m 100% confident that whatever I was writing was straight up nonsense. But being 12 and being convinced that I was going to write a best-seller should probably show you how much I’ve always dreamed about doing this writing thing. 

And the desire to write has never completely left me. I’m an avid fan of journaling, which has gotten me through some pretty difficult times in life. But quite honestly, other than journaling and pretending to write a best-seller at the age of 12, I had little other ideas of what to do with this feeling ofneeding to write. All I can tell you is that I can’t NOT do it. Does that make sense?

So I’ve started a blog and I’m rolling with it. My ultimate goal with this is to share everything I’m learning about life with the hope that what I’m learning will be helpful to you, the reader! 

To get us started, I thought I would give you an quick, inside look at what you’ll find here: 


Listen, life isn’t all rainbows and cupcakes and unicorns (though it would be AWESOME if that were true), so sometimes we just need a little light on the dark days. We’re all in this crazy life together. We’re all just trying to leave our mark and do the best with what we have. I’m hopeful that we can make this site an encouraging and uplifting space. I’m hopeful that the words shared on these pages can be an encouragement to whoever reads them. Even if it’s just one person. There’s enough negative news and other junk in this world. Let’s be the light! 

Lessons Learned

I’m in my early 30’s now and while (God-willing) I have alot more years to experience, I can tell you I feel like I’ve already learned a lot in my 31 years of existence. Some moments have been awesome, and some moments have been brutal. But ALL moments have taught me that God is on my side, and everything truly happens for a reason. This is such a cliche saying and I feel like it gets tossed around a lot, but you guys, I fully endorse this statement because I’ve lived it. Not once or twice, but several times have I seen the good that’s come from every difficult phase of life. So, I want to pay it forward by sharing ALL of the lessons I’ve learned – the good and the bad.

Full Honesty

No fakey-fake stuff here. For those of you who already know me, you know that I’m a pretty open book. If you ask, you’re gonna get the whole story plus some! I believe that sometimes life is beautiful, exciting, and inviting, and sometimes life is difficult, hurtful, and just plain hard. Whatever phase of life I’m going through, I’ll be talking about it all. I’m a wife and mom to 3 littles… you KNOW things are crazy at my house and I plan to share it all. Or most of it anyway. As much sharing as the hubby will tolerate. 😉

To wrap this up, I just want to thank you for taking a minute to check out this post and the Simple & Soulful blog. And stay tuned for more to come as I share it all on this blogging journey!

With Love,


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