2023 in Review + 2024 Hopes and Vision
Everywhere I look on social media right now, people are hyped up and talking about the New Year.
Whether you’re a huge goals person or simply want to ease into the New Year, I don’t think there’s one certain way you need to do it. I think it’s ok to enter the New Year however you see fit.
Having said that, I’m always interested in seeing other people’s reviews of the prior year. Whether that’s just in pictures or a reel on the ‘Gram, I feel less alone seeing glimpses of other people’s real lives.
So that’s what I’m doing today. A behind-the-scenes look at my 2023 + what I hope for and envision for 2024. Here we go!
2023 in Review – The Wins
First, let’s talk about what worked. (Don’t worry, I’ll be sharing what didn’t work this year as well! Plenty of lessons were learned.)
Quitting the 9-5 to Work From Home
This was by far the biggest change in my year! Not every calendar year do you quit a full-time job and take on freelancing.🫣 While this transition and fork in the road was MUCH HARDER than I expected, the overall outcome created a new level of fulfillment and peace. I spent more time with my kids this year than I ever have, and I finally took on work that felt fulfilling.
More Trips + Travel
For the first time ever, Cory and I decided last minute the week before Memorial Day to spend the 3-day weekend at the lake. We’ve never done quite an impromptu trip like this before and it was sooo worth it. I was able to work in the car on our way, and the kids got an extra trip to the Ozarks this year. Cory and I also made it to Phoenix last January, so our focus on travel continues to be consistent.

Being Home With the Kids Over Summer and Christmas Break
While being home with the kids over these breaks wasn’t without its struggles and frustrations (I still had work to do!), I am ultimately glad to have had the opportunity to be home with them. I’m grateful they had the chance to experience lazy mornings and pajama days instead of me having to rush them off to daycare of Grandma’s so I could still get to the office by 8 am.
Beginning Therapy
This past September, I decided it was time to dig into some of the things that I felt were holding me back. I could probably (and may still) do a full post on the things I’ve learned in my short time at counseling, but for now I’ll just say that I’m blown away by the personal discoveries I’ve made so far. Turns out, I’m really good at putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself. And I’m pretty good at telling myself lies about myself that just aren’t true, too. I’m glad to have started counseling at the end of the year to give myself a runway and the ability to grow at the start of this year.
2023 in Review – Lessons Learned
As mentioned, not everything about 2023 was a bed of roses! I could count these as failures and mistakes, but I’m choosing to take a more positive route and talk about the lessons I’ve learned from the year instead. Nothing is a failure unless you don’t learn a lesson from it, right?
More Time Consuming Rather Than Creating
Instagram has my number. It just KNOWS how to keep me hooked. I could go into all the scientific evidence and factual data to prove this truth, but instead, I’ll just call a spade a spade: I spent more time scrolling and consuming content rather than creating it. And that’s something I’d like to change in 2024.
Lack of Schedule/Routine/Focus Throughout the Day
I learned this past year that flexibility is a two-edged sword. While working from home leaves tons of room for freedom, it’s also challenging to create a schedule and then make yourself stick to it. The transition from office work to freelance writing meant I spent a lot of time trying to figure out a routine and focus on the work that really needed to be done. I spent way more time on things that really didn’t need to get done in 2023. I also didn’t have good boundaries around specific work times. Most of my days last year involved me trying to wing it instead of getting intentional with my work schedule.

Not Being Intentional About My Health
Looking back on the year, I think my lack of routine and schedule also played a role in my health. Without a set workday, I tried to exercise at different times, only creating skipped workouts and inconsistently. Also, I’m aware that I did NOT drink enough water in 2023. Yikes. This is an area that needs some work.
2024 Vision + Word of the Year
Overall, I’d chalk 2023 up to a “transition year.”
It was the year I made a major career change. I didn’t just switch jobs, I took a hard left. I choose new work, a new schedule, and a whole new way of life that I’ve never done before. It was both freeing and wonky and caused me to look deep into who I am as a person. It was a year of massive change that took some easing into. And I think all the unsteadiness is perfectly normal and ok. I have so much grace and gratitude for this past year.
As I look forward, however, and look at what worked + what I’ve learned, I have a pretty strong vision and a lot of hope for 2024.
So, without further ado, my word for 2024 is… *drumroll please*
The Cambridge Dictionary defines the word build as “to create or develop something over a long period of time.”
I love that. This is the year I plan to go all in when it comes to creating and developing. 2024 is the year to take what I’ve learned and build something from it.
Freelancing has been wonderful, but I think I have more to give. This next year is the year I get clear on that and take what I know to help others. I don’t just want to show up online and create content, I want to go all in on building a community online, sharing what I’ve learned, and creating a personal brand/business from nothing.
I also want to build on my health. How can I take it to the next level? What can I do differently to take even more care of myself?
2023 left me with some wonderful foundations and a lot of clarity on what it is I truly want to do in this current season of life. 2024 is the year to build on that.
With that in mind, I created a vision board that’s my laptop wallpaper for the year ahead, too:

Wrapping Up
I know we can put a lot of stock into a New Year and place a lot of expectations on the next 365 days. But I also believe in the power of a good review. What’s working and not working? What lessons have I learned and what am I excited about? What needs to stay behind and what do I want to carry with me?
I do have a lot of hope for 2024. Maybe it won’t live up to the hype. But also, maybe it will. I’m choosing to lean on the positive side!
What are you up to in the year ahead? Do you create a word for the year? Let me know in the comments below!