Writing: Year 2 in Review
I’m in shock, but somehow, another full year of writing has passed. 😱
I wrote a post last year about one year in the books, and now I’m wrapping up year 2! I’ve decided that each year I’d like to do a quick review. What were the good things? What wasn’t great? What could use some work for next year?
The same process could be used to analyze pretty much any goal. It’s always a good idea to take a moment to really see how things are going. Think about what’s working and what’s not. What was awesome and what needs to be eliminated?
After you’ve analyzed where you’re at, then you can look forward with clarity to decide where you want to go next. Sound good? Let’s dive in!

What This Past Year of Writing Looked Like.
I could go on and on about the year 2020 being a complete dumpster fire, but I think we’ll just keep this centered around the topic of writing so we don’t get too far down a bunny trail. Sound ok? 🙂
I had hopes of writing a new blog post each week this year. If you’ve been following along, then you know that clearly didn’t happen. I could give you a mile long list of excuses as to why, but I won’t. Ultimately, what I learned this year is that sometimes, despite our best intentions, life still happens and the schedule we set for ourselves just doesn’t hold up. And it’s OK. It is! All that matters is that we don’t quit.
And I don’t feel like I did this year. Even with all the interruptions and change in schedules, I was still able to keep writing, even if it was at a slower pace than I hoped. I still had a few new blog posts here and there, and I even created an ebook (which you can check out here)!
When I look back over this past year, I’m just happy to say that I’m still here and writing is still my favorite. I haven’t lost my love for it. When I put my fingers to the keyboard, I feel like I come alive. The creativity, the storytelling, the way I see God using my story to help others; all of it brings me so much joy and life. Is it hard to find time? YEP. Is it difficult to come up with ideas sometimes? You bet. But I also just can’t seem to quit.
Which brings me to…
Where I want to go in the year ahead.
I’m hoping for more consistency in the year ahead, but I’m also willing to give myself more grace. The ability to publish a post every single week while momming and working full-time is an unlikely expectation.
So my goal for consistency over the next year looks like a new post every other week and weekly emails that are short and sweet. As a side-note, I’ve recently updated my emails to make them more fun, like we’re chit-chatting over coffee, rather just random blog updates whenever I have them. (P.S. If you’re not on the list yet, you can join here!)
Last, if I’m being honest, I hope to expand a bit beyond my blog in the next year. I have no idea what direction I’ll go yet or where God is leading me for 2021, but I sometimes feel like this blog was a great starting point 2 years ago, and now it’s time for more. What yet? I’m not totally sure. But stay tuned. 🙂
To summarize my look in to the year ahead, I’ll be real with you: I’m not making rigid plans. If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that life can be so dang unexpected. I can do my best to set goals and create habits that point me in the right direction. But ultimately, I don’t have NEAR as much control as I think I do. So in 2021, I don’t want to be afraid to throw my hands up and say, “Do your thing, God!” then see where he takes me.
Wrapping Up.
I’ll wrap this up with two little words:
Thank you, thank you, friend for continuing to read my ramblings, opening my emails, and sending your unending support! I could not do this without you taking time out of your day to read or comment.
I’m so excited to see where the next year takes me, and I’m thankful to have you along for the ride! Plus, let’s be real, I think we’ll all be glad to have 2020 behind us. 😉