What it Means to Start Living Your Best Life (+ Free Worksheet With Tips!)
I feel like this is a pretty popular hashtag right now. I even like to use a variation of this in social media posts when I snap a photo of Brooks eating a snack in only his diaper. I’ll remind you the kid is well over 30 pounds and only 16 months old… “Ya’ll know he’s #livinghisbestlife right now! 😂”
But really, all jokes and trendiness aside, I do think that wanting to “live your best life” should be something you put a lot of heart into.
I don’t think we were made to live a sad and lonely or unlikeable life. Yes, there will absolutely be tough times and periods full of grief and difficult days, but I just CAN’T believe God created us to live a full life of weariness. You were created on purpose with a purpose. You were created with intention. It’s time you started living with intention, too, friend! (Sorry if I’m sounding a little ranty! This topic is just something I’m really passionate about.)
So below is an explanation of what living your best life really means. And if you want more, grab the download below with 10 tips to start living your best life today!

It means taking care of yourself.
There’s an overload of info online about “self care” isn’t there? Just check out hashtags like #selfcaresunday and #selfcaretips on Instagram and you’ll see a bajillion different posts on this topic. (Even I’ve written a post about it already!)
I think it’s such a hot topic because somewhere along the line, us mamas forgot that we can’t serve from an empty cup. We want to. We want to be all the things and give and give and give, don’t we?
But I”m here to tell you that you will straight up BURN OUT if you keep up at a pace that doesn’t make room for taking care of yourself.
So if you want to start living your best life, repeat after me: I cannot pour out to others until I’ve first taken care of myself.
This is step 1. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Take care of yourself FIRST, mama. Your kiddos need you and you can’t operate at high levels unless you’re fueled up first.
It Means You Want the Most Out of Life, and You Won’t Settle for mediocrity.
I need to be honest and say that I have a hard time with this point because I don’t want to give the implication that I’ve never been through anything difficult. Trust me, I’ve had rough patches in the past, so please know that not everything is perfect over here at the Larson house!
As a mom of 3 littles, I know there are PLENTY of days that can go totally bust without much warning, despite my greatest intentions to stay positive. I’m fully aware that life isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows (because this isn’t a Trolls movie, though that would be awesome.)
So while I know that there are sometimes just hard seasons and difficult phases of life, I still think it’s worth trying to create a life you love. It might take longer during difficult seasons and you might end up taking a different path to get where you want to go, but DUDE. You are WORTH IT.
I need you to know that you shouldn’t settle for your entire life being mediocre.
You deserve to be able to live the fullest life you can. You deserve to dream and want more and set goals, then chase them. You were not created to go through your entire life in survival mode. It’s ok to want more!
Living Your Best Life Looks different for everyone!
Social media is the best and also kinda THE WORST.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely ADORE the pretty pictures of Instagram and stalking – ahem, I mean FOLLOWING – my favorite celebrities so I know what’s going on in their lives. 😉
But social media also has a fabulous way of making us feel less-than sometimes, doesn’t it? It’s so easy to fall into the comparison trap and start looking at someone else’s highlight reel vs. our real day-to-day life. I’m as guilty of this as anyone!
But I’m going to encourage you today to figure out what this whole “living your best life” phrase means to you and then own it! Create a life worth living. Create a life YOU LOVE. YOU, lady. No one else has to love it because no one else has to live it.
Wrapping Up.
By all means, feel free to use the #livingmybestlife hashtag however you see fit on social. Have some fun with it! But please also remember that you truly were created to live an awesome life. You were created to leave a ripple in the world, whatever that looks like for you.
Want more tips to give you a kickstart on living the live you’ve always imagined? Enter your email to download the handy guide here:
Lastly, I need you to know that I feel so strongly about this topic that I’m here to support you the whole way! Feel free to contact me through my contact page anytime or leave a comment below!