Reflections on 2020: The One Thing I’m Learning
As of the date of this post going live, we’re 208 days into 2020, and I think I speak for us both when I say:
It feels like 2020 has lasted FOREVER. What even was life before this year? I can’t remember. Plus I’m certain I’ve aged a decade in these past 7 months. 😱
All the same, we’re now over halfway through the year (thank heaven!) and each year during June/July (ish) I like to do a little reflecting on the year so far.
With the ridiculousness that has been 2020, I can say that my self check-in has been… well, it hasn’t been my favorite. I feel like God is STRETCHING me. And it hurts. And it’s uncomfortable. And if we’re being real, I’m not exactly a fan!
But I’m trying to look over the past 6 months with open and honest eyes to see where God’s leading me and what I’m learning.

In looking back on 2020 so far, I feel like God’s showing me one thing:
I still struggle to just be present.
I’m a “big picture” person. The upside: Goal setting comes easily to me and striving for new and bigger and better is exciting. I like to go and do and see! Down side: I often lose sight of the small and simple things right in front of me. And to be honest, I think up until this year, I had been losing touch with how to just BE.
The biggest thing God’s been whispering (or maybe shouting; I kinda suck at listening sometimes) to me in 2020 is, “slow down, crazy lady!” Slow down and see what I’ve placed right in front of you. Slow down and notice these littles that need you. Slow down and take a break on all the big goals and big things you have planned.
Slow down and pay attention to the little things happening around you. Go for a walk in nature. Notice the sunrise. Look your kiddo in the eye when he’s telling you the details of his story (even if this is the 20th time you’ve heard it today).
Often joy can be found in the mundane. In the little things. I’ve realized I need to do less striving and more living in the moment, soaking up the tiny details I was beginning to glaze over before God got my attention.
I was listening to a podcast episode with Bob Goff earlier this week and he said something that’s stuck with me: “Bigger isn’t better. Present is better.”
Present is better.
Talk about a punch in the gut! If present is better, than why am I spending so much time goal setting and visualizing? Yes, these are still good things and they have their time and place, don’t get me wrong. (I LOVE a good goal to chase after!) But, I also feel like focusing SO MUCH on these things was pulling me away from the awesome life I already had right in front of me. And I needed a wake up call.
2020 has taught me to pay attention to the life that’s happening here and now, instead of spending so much time trying to plan a life that hasn’t happened yet.
So I’m letting go a little more. Letting go and trusting God’s plan is better than the one I keep dreaming up.
I’m focusing more on each 24 hours as it comes instead of trying to look ahead and plan too much and push myself too far.
I’m looking for the positives that come with each day. Some days, there’s not much to look for, I’ll be honest. But other days, I’m reminded that life is meant to be lived. Fully lived! What a gift. I guess that’s why they call it “the present.” 😉
***Over to you: What’s been 1 thing 2020 has been teaching you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
For me it is to Slow down and simplify. God has put some major changes in the work for me in 2020 that is for sure. Having a job offered to me out of the blue that was less hours and less
Stress. A new daycare that works so well with schedule and with my kiddos. Simplifying our schedules and our house has helped tremendously in these last 6 months as well. I’m not sure what the next 6 months has in store for my family but God has a plan.
I love this, Ashley! So many good things have headed your way and it sounds like God’s timing has been perfect for you in 2020. And I agree that while I don’t know what the rest of the year looks like, I do know that we’ll be taken care of. 🙂