I’m Deleting Social Media for a Month and Here’s Why
This post started out as tips + tricks to cutting back on social media. Included were suggestions like how to balance it with other life stuff and how to manage Instagram well without it taking over.
But in re-reading the tips, I cringed. None of it felt right. My heart wasn’t in it.
So I revised. My second draft shared some ways I was considering cutting back on social media. You know, creating more boundaries and stuff.
But that just didn’t feel quite right either. I paused the article and left my draft to simmer while I decided what angle I wanted to take. Truth be told, my use of social media had been feeling pretty unstable lately.
I kept mulling over the same questions:
- Am I adding goodness to the world by being on social media?
- Am I only talking to be heard? (ouch)
- Am I only posting to socials because “they” say I should in order to build a following as a writer?
It wasn’t until I read Ashlee Gadd’s article about her thoughts on Instagram that it clicked and I knew.
I needed to delete social media for a hot minute.
I needed a break.
So, this post is the final draft. What follows are the ramblings of a 30-something millennial mama who, dare I say, may have lost the enchantment that social media brings. At least for now anyway. I have spent a lot of time fantasizing about packing it in. The thought of deleting social media and just living in a social-less world feels scary and also wildly freeing, like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.
As a caveat, I am fully aware that every person has to make this decision for themselves. This article is in no way a recommendation that you should do the same thing I’m doing! This is just the thoughts I’ve been mulling over lately, and ultimately what led me to try a 30 day hiatus.

Where it started.
I have always been a middle-of-the-road type of person. “Everything in moderation” may actually be my personal slogan.
Still, my feelings with social media the last few months would be similar to the Facebook relationship status of “it’s complicated.” As a writer on all things simple + soulful living, I was beginning to wonder where social media fit into the equation.
The more I’ve watched and scrolled and tried to think of things to post, the more burned out I’ve felt. And the more social media has become just another thing to do. The more time, energy, and thoughts were sneaking away from me into this vortex of reels and political rants. If I’m being truly honest, I’ve probably spent a decent amount of time not just being ON the ‘Gram, but THINKING about the ‘Gram, ya know?
Even though I could feel myself losing interest, getting frustrated, and cutting back more and more, the thought of removing myself entirely from communicating with friends kept me in it. I LOVE community. I love interacting and hearing stories from others, getting input when I have questions, and seeing what my friends and their kiddos are up to in their stories! It’s probably the #1 reason I’ve hung on to Instagram for so long.
Until this week.
What changed.
I’ve already mentioned Ashlee Gadd’s article as the final straw that broke the camel’s back as I debated on whether or not I should attempt deleting social media. But a few other things contributed to this idea as well:
I’ve starting writing content for others as a freelance content writer!
While this is super exciting, more of my time is going toward freelancing, which is leaving less time for things that are not as important. (*cough* Social media *cough*😜) I’ve also wondered if removing social could help cut down on distractions so I can focus on my full-time work + creating content for others.
**Also, shameless marketing plug: If you or someone you know could use some help with wording on a website, blog posts, email newsletters, etc., I’d be so appreciative if you’d pass on my name! I’ve always loved writing for myself, but writing for others and seeing my words help someone else is a whole new level of love.❤️
I don’t see my friends a ton IRL these days.
Are we all busy? OMG yes! We’ve got kiddos and sporting events and work and LIFE. And I know that. But has social media been a sneaky way of convincing me I’m “connecting” when I’m really not? Are DM’s actually better than texts or getting together for backyard brews? Could the time I’m spending on social be replaced with actually SEEING people? I hope so.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Ultimately what got me was my own curiosity of what could be on the other side of this test of deleting social media. Could 30 days without social media make me happier? Could it leave me feeling more fulfilled? OR, is it possible I’ll feel more left out and disconnected from others? Will I actually miss out on community because I let this go?
There’s only one way to find out!
My new plan.
For the next 30 days (beginning September 24, 2022 in case you’re not reading this in real time), I’m going to delete my Facebook and Instagram apps. I have a feeling I’ll be back after my 30-day hiatus (I guess time will tell!) so I don’t plan to actually delete my profiles. Just removing the apps from my phone and staying away from logging in.
I don’t use TikTok, my Snapchat is solely used as a group chat with my hubby’s family, and I only hop onto Pinterest when I need a recipe (it’s more of a search engine anyway!). So I’m ok leaving these. I’m fully aware that my main time suck is Instagram and I’ve also grown very tired of Facebook so now’s a great time to give it das boot.😊
Also, I’ll still be blogging and sending email updates! So if you’re looking to stay in touch, sign up to my newsletter right here and I’ll be popping into your inbox every Monday with some encouragement + whenever I have a new blog post!
Wrapping Up.
I have no idea what’s in store for me these next 30 days after deleting social media. What I hope is that I’ll get an answer to this very important question I can’t get out of my mind: Does social media actually make my life simpler and more soul-filled? In other words, is it life-giving or soul-sucking?
I plan to return after my birthday on October 24th. Until then, I’ll be here! Connecting via the blog + email newsletters. And don’t be surprised if you get a random text from me in the next month either. 😉 Instagram: I’ll see you on the flippity flop!✌️
**OVER TO YOU: Do you also have a love/hate relationship with social media? Have you ever taken a long break? Give me all the tips in the comments below!