How to Care for Yourself and Find Joy in January
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For many {many} years, January and I have not seen eye-to-eye.
It’s cold. And dark. And the glow of the holiday season is over, leaving little to look forward to. In fact, studies show* that January falls dead last (apart from being tied with February) as America’s least favorite month.
As we entered the colder months on the tail end of 2023, I realized that if I wanted to create a life I loved, I needed to stop hating on January. The month was coming regardless and being bitter about it wasn’t helpful or bringing me happiness.
So, I’ve spent recent months digging into what I could do to change my perspective on January. What goodness could I find in this month? How could I create a cozy and inviting environment that brings me joy despite the dark and cold outside? How could I take good care of myself?
Here’s what I discovered!
6 Ways to Find Joy in January
Before we dive in, let me just say that while I’m making a perspective shift, it’s a work in progress and there are still things about January I don’t love. (Hello darkness, my old friend 🎶) But I have found a few things that make it suck a little less and bring me joy despite the bitter cold and change in pace.
Cozy Up
In October, I read The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking. The Hygge lifestyle has been growing in popularity lately so I decided to give the book a read to see what the hype was all about. It was a quick and easy read that explains how the Danes face winter amid their cold and somewhat dreary climate.
My biggest takeaway from the read wasn’t that I need more candles or warm weather gear (though neither could hurt!) it was how the Danes truly just embrace the season. They don’t fight it. They don’t grumble about it. (Or at least they grumble much less than I do.) The Danes lean into it.
Leaning into the season and accepting it for what it was is not something I’ve tried before. How could I also lean into the winter season and find joy in January? Where could I embrace being indoors and create a cozy atmosphere full of warmth and comfort?
So, I decided to cozy up this winter. I’ve added more candles to my home and am not afraid to light them. I have cozy blankets and I’m embracing an entire winter wardrobe of soft sweatshirts, leggings, and tall, soft socks. I’m also making more soups for lunch instead of cold salads.
If we want to make January bearable, embracing the cozy helps. Don’t fight it. We can either fight it (which I’m great at doing, BTW) or we can lean into what it is.

Take Care of Yourself During Darker Days
Earlier this week, Brooks told me that he felt like he could sleep all winter. I implied, “Like a bear hibernates?” He responded with a deep, sleepy sigh, “Yes, Mom. Like a bear.”
Me too, buddy. Me too.
Here in Nebraska, it’s dark from about 5 PM to 7:30 AM this time of year. Longer if it’s cloudy or snowy (which it often is). This can be challenging for our circadian rhythm, making it difficult to wake up before the sun in the morning, and has us feeling like heading to bed when it gets dark.
Instead of trying to fight the darkness, I’ve found 2 things to help:
- I let myself sleep more when I can. This isn’t always possible, of course. But, I’m not afraid to head to bed earlier or sleep in on a weekend if I feel like I need it. Instead of trying to push through and keep my own (preferred) schedule in January, it helps to just lean into the season. (Maybe the hibernating bears on onto something?)
- I invested in this happy light which helps me wake up and feel more energized in the morning. I was skeptical of this light at first. But it actually makes me feel like my face is being warmed by the sun when I use it. In fact, the Mayo Clinic lists ways this type of light can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD).
Slow Down and Prioritize
Whether you love the hype around New Year’s or not, January is a great time to pause, evaluate, and reset.
While I personally love the freshness of a New Year, I understand that not everyone does. And I get it. There’s almost too much pressure to reinvent ourselves starting January 1 every year. To make over our lives. “New year, new you” mantras are overdone and create exhaustion to be and do more when sometimes all we really need is a break.
So, if you’re feeling like there’s too much JANUARY in January, that’s ok. You don’t have to set new goals or make resolutions, but I do think this month is a great time to pause and reflect. Lean into recouping from the holiday madness. Give yourself a chance to breathe and then reflect on what’s working and what’s not.
What did you love about the previous year? What worked well? What needs to be tweaked or eliminated?
You don’t have to go crazy on New Year’s resolutions to still give yourself a moment to slow down, recalibrate, and prioritize.
Don’t Be a Hermit
On these cold and dark days, it can be easy to turn inward and never leave the house unless we have to. But one interesting find in the Hygge book was that the Danes often get cozy together. They embrace their relationships and find comfort in each other’s company during these cold and dark days.
While it’s tempting for me to want to stay in and be somewhat of a hermit (especially since I work from home now), I know that socializing with others is best for my mental health.
Connect with your tribe and find joy in January together.
It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive. Invite a couple families over for dinner. Grab a Happy Hour drink with your friends. Find ways to connect and socialize, even though it’s tempting to stay in. Winter can be lonely if we let it.
Force Yourself Outside
File this one under the “practice what you preach category” for me.
I don’t love going outside this time of year. In fact, I’ll avoid it at all costs if possible. I already loathe the cold, why would I force myself into it?
Alas, however, there are massive benefits to getting outdoors in January. Just like any other time of year, vitamin D from the sun and fresh air can work wonders for our mood and overall well-being. Plus, giving ourselves a chance to get out in nature and enjoy the beauty of the season can’t hurt.
My recommendation on this one is to dress accordingly. I’ve found that if I want to get outside, staying warm and comfortable outweighs style and cuteness (sadly). Ha! But for real, dress warm, layer up, and get outside as you can to ward off winter blues.

Focus on What You Love About This Season
Lastly, I’ve had to watch the things I say and think about this month. It’s very easy for my mind to go to reasons why January is the worst. But this isn’t helpful or beneficial.
I don’t always win at this, however. I still have moments when I wonder why I even live in this cold, midwestern state. And I’m known for letting a grumble about the weather slip from time to time (just ask my hubby).
So I try to focus on what’s great about January. From the sparkly snow to the slower pace following the holidays, there’s plenty here to enjoy if I look for it.
What do you like about January? What good can you find in this season?
Amazon Finds to Create a Cozy Winter
If you’re looking for some of the items I’ve referenced above, or simply want to find ways to lean into coziness this January, here are a few Amazon finds I thought would be helpful!

Wrapping Up
When it comes to January, the “winter blues” are hard to beat. Yet even with colder and darker days, to everything, there is a season. And winter is simply a season we can’t skip. We also don’t have to go crazy on New Year’s resolutions to make January a worthy month. There is still joy in January if we choose to look for it.
Is there anything you do to embrace the cold first month of the year? Let me know in the comments below!
*The study was done by Gallup and reported by The Washington Post.