What do you do when you’ve checked all the societal boxes, but all you feel is overwhelmed and burned out?
You’ve done all the things you’ve dreamed of doing. You have a beautiful family, a job you love, and a life that looks perfect from the outside. But it all feels… different than you thought it would. You thought you’d feel calm, fulfilled, and happy at this point. Instead, you feel exhausted. Like you’re doing it all, but you’re somehow missing it all. You want to slow down, take life in, and enjoy where you are. But you don’t know how.
That’s where I come in as your intentional living hype girl!
Hey there!
I’m Kris, and I busy, burned-out women slow down and prioritize so they can fall back in love with their own beautiful lives.
I’ve been where you are: Societal boxes checked and a picture-perfect life on the outside, but a feeling of overwhelm and dread on the inside.
Once I understood that my life was revolving around what I thought I should be doing instead of what I actually wanted to be doing, everything changed. I had to start living with more intention.
And I’m here to encourage and inspire you to do the same!
I’m a little different than other intentional living websites out there:
- I won’t tell you to declutter your entire house and become a minimalist. I do believe those things have a time and place, but I want to help you get to the root of living simply.
- I don’t believe you can have it all, but I do believe you can have all of what’s truly important to you. And I believe you can achieve it from a place of rest, not a place of guilt and overwhelm!
- I believe living intentionally is a practice and one that focuses on your own individual dreams and priorities.

In short, my greatest hope is that more women will find a way to fall in love with their own gorgeous, hard, exciting life.
I believe in living a full and rich life and I want to help you write your new story. 🫶
Once you’ve decided you want to slow down, it can be hard to figure out exactly what to do next.
How do you actually start living with more intention? I make the process easy:
Step 1
We figure out what’s important to you. What are your priorities? What really matters to you? Not to anyone else, but you, friend. This is a personal process and your priorities are yours alone.
Step 2
We start eliminating what doesn’t make the cut. In this step, we’re not afraid to be ruthless. I help you start parting ways with the things that are filling up your schedule and taking up your time if they aren’t actually all that important to you.
Step 3
We create rhythms and routines to help you begin living a life that’s in alignment with your priorities. Once we know what’s important to you and eliminate what’s not, we formulate a plan to help you live your life on your own terms.
My short(ish) story:
I’ve fallen in love with helping women live with intention after my own experience of checking all the boxes and wondering why that didn’t feel like enough.
In 2017, my hubby and I were expecting our third kiddo. At the time, we both held great full-time jobs and were already parents to two other kiddos, Makenna (4) and Colton (2), living small-town life in Nebraska.
From the outside, everything looked picture-perfect. I was a wife, mama, and career gal.
But internally, I was struggle-bussing. Hard.
Cory and I were in an incredibly rocky place with our relationship. The stress from that alone weighed heavily on me. I was also about to add another member to our family when I already felt stretched thin with my current schedule and time. Could I even manage working full-time and raising 3 kiddos? I desperately wanted life to slow down, but instead, I felt like I was on the brink of it speeding up.
I specifically remember 2017 being the year of “survival mode.” I simply went through the motions each day, only doing what had to be done. Joy was hard to find. Coffee wasn’t even a huge help because, you know, pregnancy. I desperately wanted to be happier, but truthfully, it was the lowest I’d ever been. Looking back now, I can see it clearly: I was burned out.
Deep down in my soul, I knew I needed to make some changes.
I knew I wanted more than just a life of checking all the boxes. I knew my kids needed more than a mom who was simply “surviving.” I knew I didn’t want to keep buying into the hustle and busyness message that our culture was hurtling my way.
I wanted fulfillment. I wanted to feel not just happy, but truly joyful. I wanted to feel excited to wake up each day, free from all the social norms I had built up in my own head. I wanted simplicity and rest and peace. I wanted connection over rushing and stress and full schedules. I wanted to get quiet and search for Jesus again, which was something I hadn’t done in a really long time.
Our sweet Brooks was born just after Christmas in 2017, and I decided 2018 was the perfect time to start digging into what a simple and soul-filled life looked like for me.
I sat down and made a list of what truly mattered to me. Then I started putting that list into action.
Baby step by baby step, I began moving the needle of my life to align with my priorities. I carved out some quiet time for myself in the mornings (when I could). I began writing again (which had always been my first love). I practiced putting the phone down more and more (even though this is a continual work in progress).
Once I figured out what mattered to me, cut out what didn’t, and created a few rhythms to help me live in alignment with my priorities, everything changed.

Just for fun:
Ready to begin your intentional living journey?
If you’re looking to kick-start a simpler, more soul-filled way of living, I have a little resource for you!
Get 5 no-fuss ways to simplify your life starting today.