A Guide: 5 Simple Things You Can Do Today To Get your Yourself out of Survival Mode

I’m so pumped about this week’s post! Not because of anything I did. (TRUST ME: My writing and personal development still need work!)
I’m excited for this week’s post because it’s not just a post, it’s a fun little guide you can download. YAY!
*Yes, I’m a nerd.* Moving on… 😉
I wrote this small guide because I know what it feels like to live in survival mode, and I wanted to create something with actionable, easy-to-complete steps that will help you take your life from “just surviving” to “finally thriving!”
I need to start out by reiterating that I’m no one special. I’m not an expert in any field or certified in anything. I’m just a girl who finally got tired of living in survival mode. I got tired of WISHING for more and just decided to start going for the things I wanted/dreamed of. I failed. I fell off the wagon. But I kept showing up. I kept trying. I kept working on changing my mindset. I say this because I’ve been in your shoes and I KNOW there is this small piece of you that wants better for yourself, that wants to start loving life, not just going through the motions each day.
And I know there will be long days. There will be sleepless nights. Aiming for a life of thriving rather than surviving doesn’t mean rocky days or tough phases in life disappear. It doesn’t mean you’ll be able to suddenly balance everything perfectly or that life will magically get easy.
What it does mean: You’ll be able to get back up a little easier. You’ll have a fresher perspective on those difficult days. You’ll remember that hardship and phases of difficulties will lead to good things – even if you don’t see it right away. You’ll become more present in what you’re doing. You’ll feel more fulfilled. You’ll finally be grasping the truth that Jesus came to give us life and give it more abundantly (even in the middle of our mess). Listen, THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Right now. Today. Take a breath. That breath is a GIFT, sis. And God wants you falling in love with Him and this beautiful life he’s given you. The good and the difficult.