7 Ways to Crush the Winter Blues and Actually Enjoy This Winter
On the calendar, winter is only 3 months, but if you’re a fellow midwesterner, you know full well that it really feels more like 6.
The older I get, the less I like winter. It’s long and cold and dark. There’s not enough sunshine and my skin dries out. I could go on and on and about the downfalls of this season. I sometimes wonder why God even created it!
I don’t mean to hate on winter. I really don’t. I know that for everything there is a season and this one is just WINTER. (Gloomy and cold as it may be.) I also know that there’s nothing I can do to get around this, except for maybe move halfway across the country (which at times has sounded pretty awesome, not gonna lie).
As this winter came in full swing a few weeks ago, I realized that I was tired of succumbing to the winter blues each year. It was time I started taking better care of myself and figuring out some ways to actually ENJOY this season.
So I asked you guys what it is you do that helps you get through the season, and you guys did not let me down! I’ve compiled all of your responses and expanded on them here. Hope this helps you as much as it’s helping me!

1. Invest in Cozy, warm, cute, yet effective winter gear.
I’ll be honest: Winter gear in the past for me has only consisted of a winter coat.
I make sure the kiddos are covered, sure. They have their hats, mittens, winter boots, heavy coats, and snow pants if necessary. All the while I’m sitting over here still wearing flats (with no socks) to work. 🤦♀️
And then I wonder why I’m so freaking cold and uncomfortable! What can I say, I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box sometimes. 😉
To be fair, I’ve had my winter coat for a few years now and I do love it! And I think finding a coat you love and don’t mind wearing day after day (for nearly 6 months, remember!) is essential to surviving winter.
Expanding upon that, I’ve added a scarf and gloves to wear every day to keep me warm, and I’ve invested in a pair of nice, cozy, warm, and CUTE winter boots! Ones that I won’t mind wearing to and from work day after day until spring hits. I’m 33 and it’s probably time I stopped wearing dumb shoes to work when it’s cold, even if there’s no snow on the ground.
Honestly, it’s possible that half of my hatred toward cold weather is simply because I haven’t been dressing properly, therefore feeling the cold. So I’m hoping to change that this year.
2. Get outside as much as possible!
I’m no expert, but I fully believe that lack of time outdoors is the largest contributor to experiencing winter blues.
We’ll dive more into the affects of the lack of sunlight in a bit, but for right now, I want to discuss an article I read about how the Norwegians actually enjoy and embrace winters (which is a foreign concept to me in and of itself).
As the article states, “Getting outside is a known mood booster, and so Norwegians keep going outside, whatever is happening out there.”
Naturally this got me thinking: Am I trying that hard to get outdoors? Or am I using the cold weather as an excuse to stay in and stay inactive? (I’m going to assume you already know the answer to this one…)
So I’ve decided that throughout this winter, I’m going to try to pop outside as much as possible. I’ve got my new warm-weather gear now, so as long as it isn’t blizzarding (like it is right now as I type this), then I’ll try get my booty out the door!
3. Being super conscience of focusing on the small, positive things about this time of year.
I do an awful lot of complaining about winter. (Shocking, I know.) So for a person who claims to be overly positive, it feels like I’m totally dropping the ball in this department.
It’s time to take a page out of my own book, and focus on the positives that winter brings: Warm and cozy sweaters. Fuzzy blankets. Hot cocoa. Movie nights. Extra snuggles with kiddos. Christmas lights. Holiday lattes (<– my personal fave!). Boots. Pumpkin and cinnamon scented candles.
If you struggle with the winter blues and find it hard to stay cheery, I urge you to try what I’m trying: Make a list and pay attention to the positive and cozy things that surround you this time each year.
4. Indulge in a warm weather vacation.
NOW we’re talking! Take me to the beach in the middle of bleak January and you will be my bestie for life!
Speaking from experience, the hubs and I ventured to Arizona last February and quickly decided to make a warm weather getaway in the middle of winter an annual thing. Of course this is easier said than done. Vacations cost money and the logistics of getting it all lined up (taking time off of work and finding family to take over your parenting duties while you’re away) can be a lot to handle!
But it’s SO WORTH it, my friend. It gives you something to look forward to; Something to hope for when the snow is blowing and you’re wondering if you’ll ever make it to spring. And I promise the little boost of sunshine that comes home with you from vaca will help you survive the remaining weeks of winter and fight off those winter blues.
5. Make a list of fun, indoor activities to do.
We’ve discussed the importance of getting outside more this time of year, but it’s also just a fact that we won’t be outside continuously like we are in summer. So, now’s the perfect time to make a list of some fun things to do indoors! Here are a few things we’re trying this winter to avoid the winter blues:
At home: Crafts, baking, play dough, kinetic sand (even though the clean up from this is treacherous), and board games. This seems like a great list, but don’t make me out to be a saint. Crafting projects really stress me out sometimes. I’m just trying to back burner those thoughts during winter. 😉
Out of the house: Visit the SAC Air Museum in Omaha, head to the Children’s museum, check out a trampoline park, etc. Our goal is to take one weekend day a month to do an “excursion” (if you will) as a family to give us something small to look forward to and an excuse to get out of the house.
6. Get more Vitamin D and invest in a Happy Light.
I’m trying to keep this article upbeat and positive, but I also believe in being honest, so let’s just say it: The lack of sunlight we get during winter is the worst! The sun is only out for a short amount of time to begin with, and I’m normally in an office behind a desk for most (or all) of it. 😖
So it’s no surprise that the lack of sunlight and Vitamin D would affect our mood this time of year. I had two suggestions from friends to help in this department:
- Get more Vitamin D! I feel like I have A LOT more to learn on this topic, but my good friend, Lindsey, is the one that suggested I dig into how much Vitamin D I would need. And the truth is, it’s probably a lot more than what’s generally recommended! So my advice is to get this number checked out with your physician and do some research to check into how much Vitamin D is actually necessary to fight off the winter blues.
- Invest in a Happy Light! Doesn’t that just sound fun? My friend, Hannah, recommended this one and I had to look it up for myself. When I googled a happy light, I landed on Veriux’s webpage where they state that: “HappyLight Therapy lamps mimic sunlight to enhance mood, energy, sleep & focus – but without the UV rays.” Um, yes please! I think I’ll be investing in one of these for myself.
7. Take care of yourself, mama!
I know, I know. I talk about this all the time. I’m sure I sound like a broken record and you’re over there rolling your eyes mouthing, “We get it, Kris!“
But it bears repeating. Personally, I KNOW I’m supposed to be taking good care of myself. I know I’m supposed to be filling up my cup, and washing my face, and doing all the things that are fulfilling to my mind, body, and soul.
But guess what I learned in writing and researching this post? I’m not great at taking care of myself during winter.
I make sure the kids are covered, right? They’re all bundled up and taking a daily multivitamin. They’re getting plenty of sleep and throwing on their snow gear to go play outside. They’re soaking in the all-day-pj days of Christmas break and embracing winter like pros.
And I’m over here sulking, not dressing to stave off the cold weather, not getting enough vitamins, nutrients, and sunlight. Basically just sweeping myself under the rug and then wondering why on earth I’m so miserable for nearly half of the year. (I’m a slow learner, as you can tell.)
But I digress and I’ll wrap this up. The point is, mama, if you take good care of yourself this winter, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy it more than hate it. Pamper yourself. Get some fresh air and sunshine. Make sure you’re getting enough light and vitamin D. Try your best to focus on the positives and embrace the season. It won’t all be glorious, (Hey, there’s still ice and below freezing temps, ok?) but I truly believe it can better.
Wrapping up.
Here’s the deal: Even with having all of this knowledge in my back pocket, I know that I’m still going to have the occasional day of straight-up winter blues, and I’ll just come home and mix and drink and avoid looking outside.
BUT, I also think those days will be more rare now that I have a game plan for embracing this next winter!
**OVER TO YOU: Which tip was your favorite and how do you plan to use it this winter? Comment below and let me know!