3 Ways to Slow Down Summer
You guys. It’s Memorial Day weekend and I feel like I should be soaking in the small amount of sun we’ve had and enjoying this kick-off to summer. But instead I’m sitting over here PANICKING because I already know how fast this summer season is going to go by.
I’m worried I’m going to miss it, or that I’m not going to fully enjoy it. I’m worried that we’ll spend so much time RUSHING, that we’ll miss the fun that this season is supposed to be. I’m worried that the fun things I want to do with the fam will be pushed aside to make room for the things we HAVE to do. Like yard work and summer camps and swimming lessons.
Summer’s are just BUSY and I don’t want it all to go by too fast. I don’t want it to be 3 months of constant rushing. (And I know some of you parents out there have no choice because hello – it’s baseball and softball season! Can I just say: GOD BLESS YOU.)
So, before this summer season takes off, I’m making the choice right now to try to slow down summer. I’ve watched our past couple of summer’s totally fly by without much notice, so I know that taking it slow in the summertime is not easy. But I’m going to go for it anyway. 🙂

Here are 3 ways I’m attempting to slow down summer this year:
1. Savor the Small Things
There are definitely some big things I want to do with the kiddos this summer, but more than anything, I want to SLOW DOWN and enjoy a few small things with them. Catching fireflys. Eating bomb pops. Watching them splash around in our backyard kiddie pool (while I may or may not be sipping on a cocktail… #justsayin).
In all honestly, when I think about past summers, I think about the slow and lazy days. I think about the unscheduled and unstructured time when we didn’t have anything going on and we could just BE.
I want a taste of that this year for my family. I want a taste of the slow and old fashioned. And maybe a taste of of an ice cream cone while we’re at it. 🙂
2. Make a summer bucket list
I can’t remember where I read about this, but it’s a fantastic idea! One thing that I’m thinking will help us make the most out of this summer is to create a bucket list of things we absolutely want to do before school starts again in August.
So far on the list I have:
- A trip to the zoo
- Take the fam on our annual trip to the Ozarks
- Take the kids on a surprise trip to a nearby water park
- Picnic in the park
- Make at least 300 gallons of homemade ice cream. (That’s not too much to ask, is it?)
I’m sure as I have more time to think about it, I’ll be adding more to the list, too!
Although, I also think it’s worth noting that I still need to keep the Bucket List small because otherwise my mind goes into “to do list” mode and I’ll be worrying about getting it all done rather than enjoying the summer. What can I say – My mind defaults to COMPLETING LIST MODE more than I’d like to admit. 🤷♀️ (As a side note: You can check out this post I wrote at the tail end of last summer for a few tips on how to keep summer fun and “to do” list free.)
3. Do as many outdoor activities as possible
If you’re from Nebraska, then you’re well aware that the amount of time we actually get to spend outdoors is minimal. Like, maybe 4 months out of the year are actually comfortable enough to fully be outside. (I’m probably exaggerating but this is how it FEELS, ya’ll.)
After 32 summers in this state, you can bet that I do my dangdest to get this family’s buns outside as much as possible during the short window we have!
So here are a few things I’m hoping to do outside this summer:
- Grill as many nights as possible (or as many nights as I’m willing to eat steak).
- Family walks in the evening.
- Weekend afternoons either at the public pool in in our own backyard kiddie pool.
- Have some friends over to socialize around a fire pit + SMORE’S. (Obviously.)
Wrapping Up.
Summer is clearly my favorite season. There’s something about soaking in the sounds of summer that just lift my spirits. Lawn mowers (+ the smell of fresh cut grass), cheers from the bleachers during baseball and softball games, happy screams from the kiddos at the local pool, etc. etc.
I’m sincerely hopeful this year I can slow down summer just a little bit and keep us from running so fast so we can thoroughly soak it alllll in.
OVER TO YOU: What are you favorite parts of summer? Do you have any tips on how to slow it down and make it last? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!