10 Things I want my daughter to know

Makenna turned 6 last week you guys. SIX.
How is this happening? And where in the heck did the past 6 years go?! I swear just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital! Someone hold me. (#I’mnotcryingyou’recrying)
BLESS YOU mamas of girls. Doesn’t it feel like we’re seeing EXACTLY who we were when we were little? I swear sometimes Makenna has the same actions and facial expressions I did! Raising girls definitely has its challenges. But it’s also beautiful to watch their sweet souls grow and change. It’s challenging and beautiful all at once.
(And to you mama’s of boys: There’s a WHOLE other post about that coming soon, I’m sure!)
In light of Makenna turning 6 (and just plain growing up right in front of me), I rounded up 10 things I absolutely want my daughter to know. I’m sure there are a MILLION other things I’ll learn before Makenna leaves the house one day, and it’s probable that my perspective will change over the next few years. But for today, for Makenna’s 6th birthday, here are the 10 things I’d love for her to know:
1. You are beautiful just as you are.
Oh, child. Please know that you are beautiful just the way God made you – Both inside and out! Whatever your style, whatever your hair is doing today, with braces or without. You’ll always be beautiful. Embrace your looks, embrace your style, and be true to your own beauty. Don’t try to be like everyone else.
2. Faith will take your much further in life than fear.
There were many times in my life where I couldn’t see how things were going to work out. I didn’t know what plan God had in store for me and sometimes if felt like things were never going to get better. But I’ll tell you that everything He’s ever done for me has worked out better than I ever could’ve imagined. Keep your faith. Keep your head up and know that God always has a bigger plan, even if you can’t see it yet. So even on the darkest of days, don’t let fear take over. Faith always trumps fear. Always.
3. Be kind to EVERYONE.
EVERYONE. Not just your friends! Be kind to the stranger in the grocery store, the kids who are younger than you who look up to you, and even those you don’t see eye-to-eye with. ESPECIALLY those you don’t see eye-to-eye with. You never know what journey someone else is walking. Just be kind.
4. It’s ok to get emotional sometimes.
It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to get upset. It’s ok to wear your emotions on your sleeve. The world will need your empathy and caring nature one day, so it’s ok to be strong and still shed some tears. (Ask your mama. She cries about EVERYTHING. Happy tears, sad tears, angry tears. You name it – she’s probably cried about it. 🙂 )
5. Be you!
If you take nothing else from this writing, remember this: Be authentically, unapologetically you! I hope you’re always the girl who’s a little loud and gets the giggles. You were created with a very unique purpose. Don’t look around to what others are doing. Look inside at what’s right and what makes you who you are.
6. Don’t be afraid to fail.
If there is anything I could go back and change about my younger years, it’s that I wouldn’t be so afraid of failure. Failure simply means you tried and you learned what not to do. Failure is not the end. Failure is a stepping stone. Never be afraid to try something just because you might fail!
7. Make sure you surround yourself with women who will build you up.
Yaaasss girl! Find your tribe. Find a group of friends who will be there for you no matter what. A group of friends that will challenge you and build you up and make you want to be a better person. Don’t settle for fake friends or hang out with people just because you think you should. Find your group!
8. Take care of your body.
Your body is the only thing guaranteed to be with you your entire life. Treat it with grace, appreciation, and respect. Have fun and enjoy things in moderation, but fuel your body with foods that are good for you and make sure you’re moving your body every single day. Take care of it.
9. Don’t fall into the comparison trap.
Sometimes it will feel like you’re not enough. Don’t fall into that trap. Don’t fall into the trap that someone else has it all together! You’re more than likely only seeing one side. Be grateful for what you have, be confident in who you are (see point #5), and stay in your lane, building others up as you go.
10. You can always come home.
Know that even though you’re going to walk through these doors and find your way to college in 12 years, you can always come home! You are always welcome here. In fact, I hope you want to be here. To see your family. To share what you’re learning and keep including your parents in your life. We want to see you and we want to stay close with you. We hope our home will always be a welcoming place.
Wrapping Up.
My last point talks about Makenna going to college and I just gotta say, I. CAN’T. EVEN. with the college talk right now. It’s hard to think about, but I also know that it will be here faster than I realize.
Mama: We’re in this together when it comes to raising our daughters. These girls of ours can find ways to push buttons we didn’t even know existed. But they can also be kind, caring, and considerate in ways we never imagined. Hold on tight to that daughter of yours!
**Over to you: Anyone have a daughter older than 6 who’s willing to share their wisdom in the comments below? I’d love to hear more tips and things that all daughters should know!